Monday, March 9, 2015


I don't know what to do, I've forgotten who I truly am
I shiver as the wind blows against my cheek
There's a lullaby in the wind
But I can't see past the unending shadows

It seems like this walk will never end
I feel like traveling somewhere, anywhere
Hey, let's jump into the ocean with all our clothes on!

This is a resounding spiral
The music dances all around
Sing, like no one is listening
If my day is miserable, fine I'll dress up
The rainbow of colors is surrounding me
Love, like there's no one stopping you
Believe that there is something out there for everyone
Write your own story

Saying goodbye to the miserable human being I once was
A smile lights up my face
When I hum certain songs
I can hear the beats in my chest

With cold hands and colder feet
I walk along the edge of tomorrow
and walk slowly, though I want to run

The night is black with stars that shine beautifully
That's when you know it's show time
Colors swirl together to create their own melody
Dancing without adlibs is boring
Everything's happening at a lightening speed
There's too much going on at once
But happiness bubbles up inside
I don't want this to end

This is a resounding spiral
The music dances all around
Sing, like no one is listening
If my day is miserable, fine I'll dress up
The rainbow of colors is surrounding me
Love, like there's no one stopping you
Believe that there is something out there for everyone
Write your own story

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