Tuesday, May 12, 2015

New Games~!

There are 4 games that I am currently obsessed with, even though two of them aren't available for play at the moment. Two of them are games for the 3DS, and the other two are phone games. All of them are simply recreational activities - ones that you could spend hours on and never get bored because there's always something to do.

The first game is called Dragon City. It is an application for your phone or tablet and like the title says, it is about raising a dragon city. You start off by buying habitats for your dragons because there are 18 elemental types of them. Each type has to have it's own environment for it to grow. You level them up by feeding them food that you either grow yourself or get as a reward for completing quests. You can also breed your dragons to create hybrids and battle your dragons against other people from around the world. Overall, this game is very fun and I could spend a lot of time on it. The only complaint I have is that the dragons require more and more food as they are leveled up, and a lot of the time you can't keep up with the food demand. In this situation, you could spend hours growing your own food, or buying food from the shop with gems. The problem is, you can only get gems if you pay actual money. One other complaint I have (and this may be due to my horrible internet at home) is that the game is always rebooting and never saves my stuff. Pretty sure it's my internet at home because when I'm playing the game on my 4G data, it never reboots and runs smoothly.

Another phone game that I am currently playing is called Moe Girl Cafe. Basically, you are a cafe owner and you must hire girls to take care of customers. You can change their outfits, the kind of food they serve, and who is a greeter, chef, or waitress. One thing I like about this game is that you get to design your own cafe. You can change it's size, as well as the walls, floors, and chairs. There are multiple decorations you can also buy that are actually quite cute. This game is great because it's one of those that you could play for hours upon hours (I've done it, so I know) without getting bored.

Now onto the main event - the 3DS games that haven't even come out yet. Both of them will be released sometime in 2016. 

I can't wait that long.

The first one I will talk about is part of a series. The series is called Fire Emblem, and is a popular RPG. The last game in the series was called "Fire Emblem: Awakening", and the name for the one that is coming out in 2016 is still not known. However, people have been calling it, "Fire Emblem: Choose Your Path." In these games, you are the protagonist and you get to design your own character. It gives a personal feel to all of the games because you are basically playing to decide your own fate. The plot in this game is that two countries are at war with each other. One country stands for justice and light. The other stands for glory and darkness. You were born in the light country, but you ended up kidnapped as a child and was raised by the dark country. Later on in the game, you are forced to choose between the two sides. What will be your choice: loyalty, or true family? One other interesting element in this game is that you are able to build relationships with people. This helps you get better stats and help you in battle if the two people with a good relationship are put together. You can also put male and female characters together (including yourself), and have them get married at some point in the game. You could even end up with a child. It is a very interesting concept, but I liked "Fire Emblem: Awakening," and I can't wait for this one to come out!

The last game I will talk about also doesn't have an official name. All that is known about it is that it will come out in 2016 and that it is a Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei crossover game. Both of these are popular RPGs and generally have fantastic story lines. I watched a trailer for the game but not much has been released. People are not aware what the game will be about or what our main goal is. I have loved the past Shin Megami Tensei games, so I'm sure I'll love this one as well. The only thing that irks me is that you HAVE to play as a boy. There is no girl option for you to choose from. You'd think that in 2015-2016, we'd have a choice by now. 

Above are the two trailers - the bottom is for Fire Emblem, and the top is for the crossover. Please watch them for more info!!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Mafia Story

My last blog was also about writing a new story, but I came up with another plot bunny that I am very excited about. The mafia is something I have always been interested in, and I figured I would be able to create a story about it. The main idea is that the mafia boss's right hand man's wife has a baby, and that baby is promised to the mafia boss's son to marry when they are older. Since I don't enjoy doing chaptered stories, I figured this could either be a short drabble, or a very long one-shot. What I planned on doing was focusing on how the son of the mafia boss and the newborn grow up together. It will focus on both family dynamics as well as the regular conflicts that they would face since they are involved in the mafia. Since this is almost an arranged marriage, I also wanted to insert the subject of the two actually falling in love as they got older. I don't fully know how I am going to set the story up or how I want to begin or finish it, but the main idea is there. Like my other stories that I have started, it might not be finished for a long time - but I'm anticipating starting it. I posted the foreword online and I already have over 50 subscribers to it. People are excited, and that makes me more anxious to start and finish it immediately.  

Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Story Idea

I am currently thinking about writing a new story. It won't be very long - only a one-shot - and I'm hoping it will be less than 3,000 words. I want it to be slightly horrific and maybe gory. I'm going to name it "Silent Lullaby," and base it off of the rhyme "Ring Around the Rosie."

The main plot is this boy that has a mental illness. I'm thinking mostly depression and anxiety right now... He has been bullied at school and has very low self-confidence and self-esteem. Of course he has friends that love him very much, but they don't really know what he has to go through everyday. I'm still really sketchy about what the ending will be like, but I'm thinking suicide to be honest. One main thing that will be a recurrence throughout the story is the song "Tiptoe," and the song is above. You can play it if you want. I can picture the boy either singing it himself or having it on a CD that he plays over and over again. 

This story isn't going to be really happy by any means. Sure, there will be points that will make the reader smile (maybe), but overall it will be about an internal struggle that this boy has with himself. I'm not a doctor or a psychologist by any means, so the symptoms may not match up with the way he's acting - but I'm going to try my best. I won't post it publicly here, but let me know if you want to read it when I'm finished.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


So, everything that makes you whole
can open your eyes time and time again
it's a new world

Hey, this is the first time you've smiled this much
I'm sure that you have taken some wrong turns
in the past
But it's funny how you live in the now

As far as the eye can see
there is a bright future ahead
Don't be afraid to express yourself
as you will be accepted by all around you
so just smile and let yourself be happy

The melody that takes you away
will be there for you always
There is now something to protect so try and be resilient
Darkness and despair will try to take you away
But it will not succeed
Because you have people around you that will never let you go

Falling too quickly will not allow you to breathe
Walk along the road of silence so that you may collect yourself once more
So, everything that makes you whole can make you open your eyes
And see a new world

Hey, there's so much sadness in the world, don't you think?

People throw words around
such as liar, ugly, and so on
They hurt you with such heartless words
And the world turns its back on you
They discard you like you're nothing to them
ignore it, take a step forward
and lift your head high

Jump from the highest point to show them you're not scared of anything
Hold your hands out so that I can grab them and be your one and only ally
so that you will never be alone in this cruel and hateful world

If one day you want to look upon the horizon and contemplate your life
Do it with an open heart and a smile on your face
Wipe the tears that have fallen away forever
And accept that you are strong

Plummeting towards the end seems to be so easy now
Falling through the dark skies with only the clouds as your witness
Give yourself a reason to exist and laugh at everyone for doubting you
Offer it all

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Favorite Quotes

I decided that this blog will be dedicated to some of my favorite quotes - whether they be from books, movies, or non-scripted.

"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."
----Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)

"Do you know why the snow is white? It forgot what color it was."
----C.C. (Code Geass)

"All men... Are NOT created equal! Some are born smarter, or more beautiful, or with parents of greater status. Some, by contrast, are born weak of body or mind, or with few, if any, talents. All men are different! Yes, the very existence of man is discriminatory! That's why there is war, violence and unrest. Inequality is not evil. Equality is! What became of the EU, who claimed that all are equal? It is in constant conflict because its tenants go against human nature! The MEF, which harbors similar sentiments, is constantly mired with sloths!"
----Emperor Charles zi Britannia (Code Geass) 

"There is no Heaven or Hell. No matter what you do while you're alive, everybody goes to the same place once you die. Death is equal."
----Tsugami Ohba (Death Note)

"Risking your life and doing something that could easily rob you of life are the exact opposites."
----L (Death Note)

"You can stay in the gloom for all I care but don't expect me to wait up. The world waits for no one, and I expect to be there when the world does something."
----Juan Hellsing (Hellsing)

"We ruin the countries we govern and the people in our care. We slaughter our enemies and sacrifice all our allies. We'll keep killing until there's nothing left but to destroy ourselves. It will never be enough."
----Alucard (Hellsing)

"To become a monster like me is to admit that you are too weak to continue being human."
----Alucard (Hellsing)

"I think it's fun to know the person little by little through looking at their personality."
----Haruhi (OHSHC)

"The world pushed me without mercy and when I pushed back, the world pointed and cried Evil.So please, accept me for what I am today. Don;t reject me because of what I was yesterday."
----Russia (Hetalia)

"Those who call themselves 'ugly' don't realize that someone out there thinks they're the most beautiful person in the world."
----France (Hetalia)

So... yeah. Those are some of my favorite quotes from a couple TV shows that I watch. I just think that while some of them might not be the happy-go-lucky stuff most people like to see, they speak the ugly truth. It makes people think and reflect on their mistakes, and hopefully make them into better people.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Red String of Fate 4 (TO BE CONTINUED)

"Why the heck are you dragging me to work with you?" Sehun grumbled as he trailed behind Tao.

Tao chuckled. "It was either bring you with me or let you stay with Luhan."

Sehun thought about it for a moment. True, he didn't know Luhan well, and he didn't want to be an intruder in their home. Maybe it was better that he went with Tao. "I could've just gone home, too."

Tao turned and gave him a look. "You know that I wouldn't let you do that. You'll survive without your dad for a few days. If you need something, then I'll get it for you."

"Tch. You're way too protective. I can handle myself, you know! Besides, I want to get a change of clothes. Yours are too baggy." To make a point, Sehun grabbed a large chunk of Tao's sweatshirt and pulled. It almost dwarfed him and was making him increasingly uncomfortable.

Tao paused in his walking to turn around fully and regard Sehun. They stood in silence for a moment before Tao smirked and continued to walk down the sidewalk.

"H-Hey! What was that stare for? Tao!" Sehun called as he ran to catch up with the older boy.

"Sehun, you're so loud. Calm it down a little, will ya?" Tao teased as he stopped beside a store and opened the door. He motioned for Sehun to enter and smiled when Sehun simply stuck his tongue out.

Tao winked at the younger. "Man, you're childish as well. Get your bubble-butt inside this store before I leave you to the morning rush hour."

Sehun looked appalled at the small name calling and pursed his lips. He stalked past Zitao and only paused when he was in the middle of the building. He took a quick glance around, and was slightly impressed. The floor was a fashionable black hardwood, with a finish that made it shine. The walls were made of clean red brick, and they had pictures and mirrors littering every inch of space. A reception desk -that was white and pristine looking- sat in the middle of it all, along with several chairs for clients to wait on. Sehun could also see a hallway leading into the back. He figured that that's where Tao did all the magic.

"Impressive, isn't it? I worked hard to restore this building to the way it used to be when I was a kid. I think I did a good job." Zitao said.

Sehun nodded along with the elder. "It is really cool looking," he murmured, walking over to the walls and trailing a finger down the rough texture. He turned his head towards Tao. "How do you manage to balance this job and the one at your father's company?"

Tao waved a hand dismissively. "This is just a side job. I only run this business on the weekends and when I have free days."

Sehun hummed in interest and turned back around to further inspect all the art on the walls. Most of them were, from what he could tell, drawings and paintings of ancient China.

"My receptionist should be here soon," Tao's voice interrupted. "He's nice. The kid's in high school like you. Maybe you know him."

"Maybe," Sehun answered, walking over to Tao who was organizing his needles and ink bottles. "Are you a popular artist?"

"Hmm?" Tao asked, turning. "Oh... well, I suppose you could call me popular. Only with a certain group of people though. Most of my customers are from the darker part of town. They come from the streets. They could be part of a few gangs for all I know. They're shady."

Sehun's eyes widened and took on a nervous light. "Have they tried to hurt you?"

Tao looked surprised at the boy's concern for him, but then he laughed. "Sehun, you're asking a national wushu champion if a few gang members roughed him up?"

Sehun pouted and hit Tao's arm. "Shut up! I'm trying to be a good friend here!"

"Yes, yes, " Tao sighed, calming down. "Okay - to answer your question seriously this time. No, they've never tried to hurt me. I'm on good terms with them, so I don't have anything to worry about."

Sehun nodded, pleased. "Good."

They both turned towards the door when they heard it open. Tao's eyes lit up and Sehun only looked at the person in confusion.

"Chanyeol! Finally, you're here!" Tao greeted the male.

Chanyeol laughed as he walked through the doorway, immediately heading for the desk. "Yeah, sorry about that Tao. Got up a bit later than I wanted."

Sehun was stunned by the boy's voice. He had the face of a puppy but the voice of a freaking bass that just dropped. He flinched a slight bit when Chanyeol turned his gaze onto him. The boy was about 6 inches taller than him and definitely broad. It was intimidating, to say the least.

"Who's this Tao?" Even his smile was creepy.

"Ah, this is Sehun," Tao said, swinging an arm around Sehun's waist and dragging him towards the tallest. "I found him last night in the rain without a coat. Took him home and fixed him up a bit. Now he's here."

Chanyeol looked like he wanted to ask a few questions, but simply smiled and held his hand out for Sehun to shake. "Park Chanyeol at your service. Nice to meet you, Sehun."

Sehun reached forward and grasped the larger hand. "Nice to meet you too."


Monday, March 9, 2015


I don't know what to do, I've forgotten who I truly am
I shiver as the wind blows against my cheek
There's a lullaby in the wind
But I can't see past the unending shadows

It seems like this walk will never end
I feel like traveling somewhere, anywhere
Hey, let's jump into the ocean with all our clothes on!

This is a resounding spiral
The music dances all around
Sing, like no one is listening
If my day is miserable, fine I'll dress up
The rainbow of colors is surrounding me
Love, like there's no one stopping you
Believe that there is something out there for everyone
Write your own story

Saying goodbye to the miserable human being I once was
A smile lights up my face
When I hum certain songs
I can hear the beats in my chest

With cold hands and colder feet
I walk along the edge of tomorrow
and walk slowly, though I want to run

The night is black with stars that shine beautifully
That's when you know it's show time
Colors swirl together to create their own melody
Dancing without adlibs is boring
Everything's happening at a lightening speed
There's too much going on at once
But happiness bubbles up inside
I don't want this to end

This is a resounding spiral
The music dances all around
Sing, like no one is listening
If my day is miserable, fine I'll dress up
The rainbow of colors is surrounding me
Love, like there's no one stopping you
Believe that there is something out there for everyone
Write your own story